Mentoring & Support, adds a layer of compassion and confidence back into your life.

Recognize and work through your emotions so that you are making decisions from a place of logic

Speak your truth to someone who will listen and leave you feeling heard, gain individualized support, identify your values and needs, set clear and realistic next steps to get there.

My Approach to Mentoring

What it’s like to work with me.



Individual Support for those who need help equalizing power imbalances in their day to day relationships, emotional support, or possibly any support navigating the many avenues of the Ontario family law system. Co-parenting is a lifestyle that requires knowledge, education, and preparation. The more you focus on creating healthy co-parenting solutions, the more emotionally healthy your children will be in the process.

What could you want to ask me for help with?
Well, pretty much anything. Mentoring adds a layer of compassion and confidence back into your life; which enables you to communicate effectively with your lawyer or co-parent. This could be done through simply understanding your values and interests better, exploring how the family court process works, prepping for appointments with lawyers and the court to ensure you leave feeling heard, where to complete legal documents independently: at no cost, or perhaps it is a quick assist in developing email communications for you lawyer so that they can advocate most effectively for you.

Mentoring can also help with:

Assisting you in achieving your aspirations | valued living by highlighting all of the possibilities and potential.

Provide temporary aid for you, with the ultimate goal of achieving independence for yourself.

Our work will be particularly valuable in the case of difficult life circumstances during the separation process.

I will always operate in service of the preferred goals and values that you create for yourself through increasing your awareness of your current values, goals, strengths, etc. in order to stay true to your boundaries.

Mentoring Disclaimer

  • Remember, I’m not your lawyer so I can’t give you legal advice and I can’t give you a second opinion on the advice you’ve been given, so, please don’t ask me! I can, however, provide you with legal information, assist you in understanding where the boundaries lie between the variety of professionals involved in your separation, and generate referrals any other professionals who might provide further assistance for you to interview that are specific to your situation. To get empowered about your new circumstances, your way, without overspending thousands of dollars in billable hours.